This part is a case, case, for General Motors cars. It fits for General Motors vehicles which were sold in the U.S., Europe, and UK. It's a genuine General Motors part with an OEM part number 15709254. Please keep in mind that this case is interchangeable with 15046966 for the U.S. market since March 1, 2000.
This case 100% fits for General Motors cars. It's made of top quality materials, it has passed not only all manufacturer's tests but also General Motors quality control and has to endure rough road conditions over a long time.
Spare Part Information
Technical Details
OEM number
Additional Information
Standard 12 months GM warranty on replacement parts.
Return policy
Part is not returnable.
Spare part packaging options
Retail Packaging
Parts in retail packaging
Part 15709254 Has Been Superseded
12576436 was replaced with 12579912 on October 1, 2004 for the U.S. market;
15753789 was replaced with 12576436 on July 1, 2004 for the U.S. market;
12579912 was replaced with 12581007 on May 1, 2004 for the U.S. market;
15046966 was replaced with 15753789 on December 1, 2000 for the U.S. market;
15709254 is interchangeable with 15046966 since March 1, 2000 for the U.S. market.
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